Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Complicated Life after the Long Silence

So it has, admittedly, been quite some time since I've updated my blog.  Well, allow me to go make myself a cup of tea, settling in for a tiche, and tell you all about it.  Then I really do need to go work out (I've been a bit lax on it and I'm starting to notice certain flub creeping back in).  So where do I start?

First, I got a reply from a job recruiter for two jobs a company might be interested in me pursuing.  Except, I haven't heard back.  So now, do I awkwardly email back asking if they are still interested?  Or do I wait? I go with the waiting.

Second, I got issues with a co-worker at work.  If you haven't dealt with someone who says they are head over heels in love with you, let me tell you: it is uncomfortable.  So, I decided way back that I was going to take a vacation.  And I did.  But before I left, I texted this employee and told him I had no feelings for him like that and that I was sorry but I had to clear things up before I left for my retreat.

I left for a small town in Minnesota.  And let me tell you, it was wonderful.  I relaxed, I had fun, I had good thoughts, and I learned a lot about myself and who I was as a person.  So I drove back home and decided I was going to be a happier person.  Mind you, I am keeping to it still!  That's how amazing that small retreat was for me.  But I am definitely being tested.

So back to the story.  I got home and after relaxing and smiling I went to bed right away.  I was exhausted but in the good kind of way.  But then I woke up. . .and BAM!  Life was coming back for me.  Reality was sinking it's teeth into my arm and telling me, "Try smiling now, bwahaha!"  So.  I cringed as I looked at the three page long text message from this work friend pretty much confessing everything. I decided I wasn't going to deal with it right at that moment and went on with my day.  Well that lead to a moping co-worker and let me tell you, the children don't do well with moping boys.

So I have had to deal with issue for about a week but according to my other co-worker, this has been going on for two (I just wasn't there to witness last week).  Anyways, it ended up with his awkward text messages, crying in the parking lot (him not me), and then him suddenly getting super happy when he asks if we can talk about what happened (I think he thinks we are going on a date.  We aren't).  So now I get to clarify that this weekend.  I should be a big girl and do it in person but this is getting far to uncomfortable.  Plus, I brought it up to my parents, and they don't feel comfortable with me meeting him at all.

But right now, I am happy and enjoying my Saturday.  I'm going to go have lunch with a mate and then I'm just going to go from there.  Whatever happens, happens :)

Wish you all the same!


~E. M. Peterson