Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Over-thinking during "that time"

So, I admit I have a problem during "my time" of the month.  Probably TMI for any guys out there that actually read this, but I feel like I just need to discuss it.  Well, I don't need to . . .  but I will.  My problem is simple: I over-analyse EVERYTHING.  This is just my normal "What is he thinking?" sort of thing.  This is the "What does that mean?" "Why did she do that?" "Am I doing something wrong?" "What does this mean?" "Did he mean to do that?" "Will I ever achieve my dreams?"  etc. etc.

So what is the best method for trying to wash this stuff away? Tell myself:

And then sleep.

~E. M. Peterson

Monday, August 13, 2012

Those Moments

When I realize I could have slept in, could have gone to the gym, and could have cooked something a bit more exciting.  But I didn't which is a bit of a waste.  I was originally scheduled for 10:00AM but got bumped to 11:00AM.  But I wanted to get up to let out my friend's dogs and then I figured I was too late to workout since I slept in a bit already.  Although, I did shower since I wasn't loving my hair this morning.  So at least I'm clean!  But now I'm out of time to do anything more than just simply go to work.  Woo.  Alright, let's get this day rolling.

~E. M. Peterson

Friday, August 10, 2012

That moment you realize you need to pack some clothes

Whoops!  I start house-sitting this evening for my best friend and her family and I haven't even picked out clothes to go with me yet, much less hygiene things.  But that's ok! I have a break at 1 and I'll start then.  And then I can head over straight from work to let her dogs out.  But I suppose I should start putting together a small bag of essentials.  Starting with my clothes for tomorrow.  And PJs.  Oi.  This is what we call "procrastination at its finest".  But to be fair I live two, maybe three blocks away.  If I'm really missing something, I can pop back home.  But on this plus side, I got my new perfume last night!  I didn't think it was coming until Monday, and I didn't see anything in the mail yesterday but it came!  So I can bring that over in my little bag of things.  Alright, better be off and packing.  Cheers!

~E. M. Peterson

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Awkward Coffee Encounter

So,as you all should know, I am pretty newly single.  I say "pretty" because the break-up happen sometime around February, and I'm still struggling with it from day-to-day.  Some days are better than others.  Yesterday was such a day.  I was feeling particularly motivated. I was at Caribou, I was writing, I was in a dress, life was going my way!  So I got my Black Mango iced tear (delicious!), and I turn to go sit down.  Then I saw him.  He was a very good-looking tall man with dark hair and a nice start of a scruff.  To be fair, he looked a bit like my ex (clearly I have a type. . .).  So I sat next to him and started to work on my writing.  Well, after I finished my tea, my friend came to visit me after her shift finished up at work.  I pointed out the cutie at 3 o clock and she quickly agreed that he was quite the looker.  So we tried to come up with a plan to talk to him.  I figured, "Why not?"  I figure it's a step in the right direction anyways.  Even if it results in nothing, I can't say I tried and there is honestly nothing really lost in this battle.

So mysterious stranger gets up and goes to the bathroom.  The chance to strike, right?  Well, let's not forget I'm awkward girl to the nth degree.  I start stumbling to pack up my things and my friend runs for the napkins.  I quickly start to write down my number onto one of them.  The plan?  Toss it on his table and get to the street.  Problems with this plan?  I have a large laptop in my bag and there are quite a few people surround this scene.  So, of course, he finishes faster than usual and the plan is a failure.  I walk with my friend to the door and she encourages me to do it anyways.

"Guys like confidence and this will clearly show him that you are that kind of girl!" she points out.  This is a true point.  And there isn't really anything to lose. If he rejects me, it'll sting for a moment and then I'll move on.

So I go up to him and smile and hand him my number and say, "I just wanted to know I thought you were pretty cute."

He looks up at me and grins and say, "Thanks!"

I can feel my whole expression shift and my eyes snap.  Oh no.  This man is not swinging for my team.

I turn on my heels and dart out of there, dragging my friend into the street.

We had a good laugh about it, and it really does make a great story.  I'm sure I flattered the man, but wow I really to encompass the word, "awkward".  Looking back on it, I really should have waited to hear him voice before jumping the gun.  He may have looked like a very good-looking straight man but his voice would say otherwise.  It's a wonder that he didn't add the word, "Sweetie" to the end of the sentence.

Alright, I better go get breakfast.

~ E. M. Peterson

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Rain in the Morning

I love to wake up to rain in the morning when I don't have to get up.  It is wonderful.  Yet at the same time, then I never want to get up.  But look! I did it!  So proud.  Now I just need to do other stuff.  Like clean this  half-mess of a room.  I have a walking path to things, there are just little scenic scatterings of papers off the the sides of them. Alright, it's 10:00.  I should probably start getting ready for the day.
List of things to do:
*Finish getting people's birthday's
*Go work out
*Go write at Caribou
*Clean Room
*Go visit my friend at her work
I think that should be enough for now.  Today is definitely going to be a relaxing day for me.  I want to go slow and steady.  I should also apply for another job.

*Apply for another job

There! Now I'm all set.  Let's go!

~E. M. Peterson

Friday, August 3, 2012

Calming down the Storm

So this week has been a roller coaster of who knows what.  Oi, I'm sure people are just about done with my dramatic mood swings and terrifyingly bad depression episodes (Note: I'm not clinically depressed, I just hit rock bottom pretty hard this week).  But I finally decided to use up some vacation time now.  So I've requested a few days off which should help immensely.  It's just depressing right now, you know?  I sit at meals with friends who are either going to amazing places or doing great things (even if they aren't 100% happy with it).  Meanwhile I sit there sipping on my water, for fear of ordering any real thing, trying not thing think about the facts that I: live with my parents, have another loan kicking off officially, still haven't found a new job, and keep getting rejections for my writing.  And of course, I'm single, which I'm still learning to deal with it.  And I'm practically having to take happiness-classes.  I'm following this wonderful blog called "The Happiness Project" and watching a lot of "The Conversation".  Luckily it is helping me focus once more on my goals in life, including becoming published.  And writing in general.
I feel like I should also apologize to anyone who actually reads my blog.  I haven't been very happy or comical lately but hopefully I can lighten things up a bit.  Anyways, it is late and I'm tired.  Tomorrow is a new day.

~E. M. Peterson