Friday, August 10, 2012

That moment you realize you need to pack some clothes

Whoops!  I start house-sitting this evening for my best friend and her family and I haven't even picked out clothes to go with me yet, much less hygiene things.  But that's ok! I have a break at 1 and I'll start then.  And then I can head over straight from work to let her dogs out.  But I suppose I should start putting together a small bag of essentials.  Starting with my clothes for tomorrow.  And PJs.  Oi.  This is what we call "procrastination at its finest".  But to be fair I live two, maybe three blocks away.  If I'm really missing something, I can pop back home.  But on this plus side, I got my new perfume last night!  I didn't think it was coming until Monday, and I didn't see anything in the mail yesterday but it came!  So I can bring that over in my little bag of things.  Alright, better be off and packing.  Cheers!

~E. M. Peterson

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