Thursday, July 5, 2012

I am Awkward

I'm starting this blog by stating the obvious: I'm awkward.  To be honest, I've started this blog three different times, not know what to write. . .which in turn makes me even more awkward.  But I'm very much okay with that.  I've realized, throughout the years, that it's just who I am and it makes me unique.  Plus, it gives my friends plenty of laughs.  And truthfully, life itself is awkward.  Nothing happens perfectly.  No moment is precisely smooth.  So this is my blog to note all those days and situations!  This is for me but I also hope that it can be for other like me.  I'm going to try to keep it up and moving, but I can't promise anything.  So here's a little to get this started. I am:

  • A 20-something girl
  • A writer
  • A college graduate
  • A goofball
  • A lover of music
  • A lover of books
  • An optimistic towards others
  • And giggly person
  • And, of course, awkward
There are other things, but I can get to those later.   

Cheers! <3  

~E. M. Peterson

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