Thursday, July 12, 2012

Oatmeal, Sushi, and Staring at the Mess of a Room

I love those awkward moments when someone asks me to read their things, and it's not my sort of cup of tea.  I love my friends and acquaintances but self-help books are more a last-resort kind of thing for me.  I think it comes from my stubborn side of "I don't need help! I may be drowning in 10 feet of quicksand, but I got this!"  So it's my own fault, really!  I don't want to seem snobbish, there are some fantastic self-help books.  I just tend to be that nerd chilling in the fiction or fantasy section yelling, "Stupid Sansa! This is why I never liked you!" (let's be real, Arya Stark is where it's at).  So now the question is, "What is my reaction?"

Option A:  "Oh man! This is the best! Order me up a copy!"

Option B: "That's great, I hope you write more of it."

Option C: "Not my cup of tea, but it's good from what you've shown me."

Option D: "I didn't really care for it, if you want my honest opinion."

Option E: ". . ."

Don't worry, I'm fabulous at thinking on my toes in those kinds of situations (cue sarcasm).  So I went with Option B.

I feel like such a horrible person for thinking such thing, but I know that's how people are with my writing as well!  Not everyone is going to jump on board to my, "Dragons are coming!" type stories.  Nor will people be sold on, "Why the heck is there a woman Watson?  Did you steal that?  That's dumb." (No I didn't steal it, I just couldn't get it published before CBS created their new series).  I guess when I'm on my break for work I can be a little miss chatty pants.  Maybe I should actually get to the point of what I titled this as. . .

Well, it's all really about food (minus the cleaning part.  That just isn't getting done again).  I'm trying to eat better and get into better shape.  My butt could really use it.  And for the most part it's going well but sometimes I just get sick of staring at oatmeal.  And eggs.  And I love eggs!  But there are days when I just need a big ol' sugary fat donut.  That's all I want!  But I am strong! I can do breakfast and snack pretty well. It's just lunch and rarely dinner that I hit a road block.  And dessert. . . chocolate is my drug.  Okay, I'd better attempt to pick up a few things with the 15 minutes I have left.  And I think my fish are giving me a, "Why haven't you cleaned our tank?!" look.  I'm a good owner. . .

Here is a picture of something I can be proud of!  I helped picked out this plant for Mom and it has bloomed!  At least my green thumb is still pretty good!

~Love E.M. Peterson

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