Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Money is dumb.  In the sense that, I have none.  Or at least, that's how it seems.  I can't complain too much. Living at home helps quite a lot.  But bills suck.  And this is not my month for money issues! I love my friends  but this was their shopping month.  Don't get me wrong, I love shopping! And it is a great time to socialize.  But I'm watching my card being swiped and thinking, "Gah! Stupid car bill is coming up. . ." or "Oi! I probably should look for something discounted to the nth degree."  But it's 11:16PM.  I'm sleepy and my brain is quite foggy.  Plus tomorrow I get to go see my friend for dinner (once more spending money. . .) But at least it's at Panera.  Which is delicious.  And worth it.

~Love, E.M. Peterson

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